General Info. & Support


Effective 2019 our price to repair or restore a website that is not under contract with us is $40 an hour.

Website Prices

Administrative Services

DYI Support

While WordPress is fairly easy to use, there are some common WordPress errors that can make you panic. The good thing is that WordPress provides several options to repair your site. Most issues are caused by updates, when they are installed or the lack of installing. Most issues occur with plugins, since it’s the plugins that make up your site. It’s important to keep your site updated regularly, which is why we recommend utilizing our administrative services. Updates can include WordPress Versions, php and plugin updates. The beauty of utilizing our administrative service is that we keep the site updated and repair it when an update causes an error or crash. For those of you who are DYI types, we provide links we gather from the web and list them here to save you time. FYI use these links at your own risk, they can get pretty technical and you can cause more problems to your site.

  • Debugging a WordPress Website: LINK
  • WordPress Support: LINK


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